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The Wishing Well is Kraftur’s 25th birthday gift to its members.

Kraftur’s Wishing Well is designed to ease the lives of those who are hospitalized for treatment or the consequences of illness or are receiving palliative care at home.

Kraftur’s members can submit a wish, and their relatives or staff members of corresponding institutions can also submit wishes. By making a wish come true Kraftur hopes to make a difficult time easier and give people the chance to make good memories.

Wish examples:

  • Get pampered, like with a massage or pedicure
  • Get a visit from an artist
  • Get a delicious meal from one of your favorite restaurants
  • Help with memoir writing from your favorite author
  • Let a stand-up comedian tickle your funny bone
  • Organize a family photo shoot or get yourself a photoshoot
  • Make sure your house is spotless when you arrive back home from the hospital
  • A helicopter flight or other adventure
  • A trip to the theater

Wishes are anything you can imagine that could improve your well-being, give you a good time, or create good memories. While Kraftur will do its best to meet everyone’s wishes, some might be difficult to fulfill. For example, if you want Justin Bieber to come over for a visit, we unfortunately don’t have his phone number, but we might know someone who knows his songs.

The guardians of the Wishing Well are the running group HHHC, they ran several marathons in BOSS suits before they ran the actual Reykjavík Marathon in 2023. HHHC collected over 8 million kronurs to support Kraftur, which is the initial capital of the Wishing Well.

Það þarf að fylla út reitir sem eru merktir *

Application to Kraftur's Wishing Well?

Is the person in question a member of Kraftur? *
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